Calendrier des manifestations

Calendrier des manifestations

Calendrier des manifestations

04.04.2025 Avenue Général Guisan 19 3960 Sierre
The opening of the exhibition "Montagnes & Reines d'Hérens" by Adelia Clavien & Patrick Egger will take place on 4 April at 5pm at the Galerie Art for You. The exhibition will then remain on these premises from 4 April to 6 June 2025.

Opening hours of the Galerie Art for You

Monday: 2pm - 5.30pm

Tuesday: closed

Wednesday: 2pm - 5.30pm

Thursday: 2pm - 5.30pm

Friday: 2pm - 5.30pm

Saturday: 2pm - 5pm

Sunday: closed

Adelia Clavien (Pop Art) - An exhibition paying tribute to Pop Art's version of Les Combats de Reines, bursting with joy and colour!

Patrick Egger (Painting) - The eye is drawn to the heights with which we feel enveloped by a warm light and by the silence that takes the paintings towards calm and solitude.

Price : Free of charge
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