Calendrier des manifestations

Calendrier des manifestations

Calendrier des manifestations

05.06.2024 - 27.09.2024 Rue de Pradec 1 3960 Sierre

He is a major figure on the Valais contemporary art scene. Alongside his commitment to culture in the Valais (as cultural delegate for Leuk and head of the Stiftung Schloss Leuk) and his curatorial activities, Carlo Schmidt has been a prolific and protean artist since the early 1980s, active in Switzerland and abroad. Exploring fields as varied as performance, installation, video, photography, sculpture and artistic interventions linked to architecture or urban space, he creates with whatever passes through his hands or appears to his eye in an aesthetic of the moment and natural, spontaneous experimentation. Often poetic and playful, gently impertinent, Carlo Schmidt's works reflect the emotions and reflections he has felt in the course of his wanderings and in his relationship with nature, the environment, politics, religion and current affairs in general.


Born in China in 1982, where she studied English language and literature, Weina Venetz lives in Valais. She draws her inspiration from nature, which she photographs with great sensitivity. In documentary photography, she represents images in a poetic way through her philosophy and visual language. She has also learnt calligraphy, which she has practised since childhood. It's an art that allows her to express her deepest emotions. She has taken part in numerous exhibitions and cultural events in Switzerland and abroad. Since 2024, she has been studying at the Höhere Fachschule Fotografie in Berne.


Jasha Schmidt was born in 1995 in Visp (VS), and lives and works in Guttet (VS). Jasha Schmidt has followed courses and taken part in workshops with several artists in Valais (Oskar Rütsche, Carlo Schmidt, Leo Thiakos,...). Since 2014, the young Valais artist has been working on his own artistic projects and regularly taking part in group exhibitions in Switzerland and abroad.
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